■The Issue of the Military's 'Comfort Women' Continues Even Now(今も続いている従軍慰安婦問題)

As summer approaches, it has become the norm for the Japanese media to put together special features concerning the war.(夏になると日本のマスコミは戦争に関する特集を組むのが慣例となっている。)
Three years ago, young people from eight different countries recited in Japanese the tragic experiences of Atomic bomb victims in 'The Day the Dragonfly Disappeared,' a play sponsored by the Hiragana Times that received extensive coverage on television and in the papers.(3年前、8カ国の若者が被爆者の悲惨な体験を朗読する、ひらがなタイムズ後援の日本語朗読劇「とんぼが消えた日」もテレビや新聞で大きく報道された。)
The media focuses on the war theme in summer since bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9 respectively, and the Pacific War ended on 15 August.(マスコミが戦争ものを夏に取り上げるのは、8月6日に広島、8月9日に長崎へ原爆が投下され、8月15日に太平洋戦争が終わったからだ。)

■The Japanese military seized the women by force?!(日本軍が彼女たちを強制連行した?)

It's 50 years since the war ended yet there is no doubt that the issue of the Comfort Women will once again feature prominently this summer.(戦後50年以上も経過したが、今年の夏も従軍慰安婦問題はマスコミに登場するに違いない。)
During the war, these women from Asian countries including Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines were forcibly taken to the battlefield and made to act as sex slaves for the Japanese army.(これらの女性たちは、戦時中に日本軍が韓国人、台湾人、フィリピン人などアジアの女性を戦地に強制連行して、日本人兵士のセックスの相手をさせたというものだ。)
However, the facts surrounding this are currently at the centre of a growing controversy.(だが、その事実関係をめぐって今も論争が繰り広げられている。)

One group disputes the very existence of such women, saying they were not forcibly seized by the military.(そういった女性たちの存在自体に懐疑的なグループは、日本軍が強制連行はしていないと言っている。)
That, in fact, they were legally-recognized by the government in Japan then as prostitutes and that these women went along with their agents; This group advocates that, at the time, there was no such phrase as the military's 'Comfort Women'.(当時日本には政府が認めた公娼制度があり、女性は業者が連れてきたもので、このグループは、当時「従軍慰安婦」という言葉もなかったと主張する。)
On the other hand, a book has been published that strongly rejects this group's stance.(一方で、このグループの主張を根底から否定する本が出版された。)
In the book, a young man who was then head of the mobilizing the army confesses to forcibly seizing 6,000 women on the Chejudo Island in Korea.(当時、動員部長だったいう著者は本の中で、自分が韓国の済州島で6000人の女性を強制連行したと告白したのである。)
The media exposed this as evidence of the involvement of the Japanese government.(マスコミは日本政府が関与した証明としてこれを大きく報道した。)
That here it seemed was conclusive evidence of the Japanese army seizing the women by force.(これで日本軍による強制連行の事実が決定的になったと思われた。)
Ironically, the episode had the effect of further encouraging the skeptics because, after a survey was carried out on the island, no evidence was found to support the story.(だが、これが皮肉にも逆に懐疑派を元気づける結果になってしまった。その後に行われた済州島の島民調査で、そのような事実が証明されなかったからである。)
The facts surrounding the taking of women by force has become more embroiled in controversy.(強制連行の事実をめぐってさらなる論争に発展した。)

■It's not necessary for junior high school texts to contain such information!?(中学生の教科書に載せる必要はない!?)

The controversy concerning the issue of the military's comfort women has extended into the area of junior high school texts.(慰安婦問題は中学生の教科書問題にまで発展した。)
There is currently information on the comfort women in many texts, but calls by those seeking the removal of such material are growing louder.(現在、日本の中学生用教科書の多くに慰安婦に関する記載があるが、これの削除を求める動きが活発化してきた。)
This debate hinges on whether there is any need for specially mentioning such information in the texts for junior high school students.(ことさらこの年齢層の教科書に掲載する必要はないというのが論旨だ。)
This reflects the idea that other countries also brought comfort women to the battlefield, the fear that only the Japanese men may be seen as lecherous, and the lack of evidence concerning the true extent of the Japanese military's involvement in such activities.(戦地へ慰安婦を同行させる行為はほかの国でも行われていて、日本人だけが好色という印象をもたれる恐れがあり、日本の慰安婦問題は強制連行などの事実が証明されていない。)

One can trace the surfacing of the issue of the comfort women to deliberations in the 1990 Diet when the Japanese government defended the army and government of the time, saying that they did not participate in such acts.(慰安婦問題が表面化したのは1990年の国会審議からだ。日本政府は当時の軍や政府の関与を否定する答弁をした。)
This resulted in criticism of the Japanese government in Korea and led to former comfort women to come out, developing into demands for the Japanese government to apologize and compensate the victims.(その後、韓国で日本政府批判が起こり、元慰安婦が名乗りをあげて、日本政府の謝罪と補償の問題へと発展した。)
In 1993, Yohei Kono, Chief Cabinet Secretary at that time, spoke off the record acknowledging the participation of the Japanese army.(1993年河野洋平官房長官(当時)は旧日本軍の関与を認める談話を発表した。)
The government, taking the view that war compensation had already been settled with other nations, then proposed setting up a private fund to compensate the Asian women involved as a way of settling the issue.(その後、戦争に関する賠償は国家間ですでに解決済という立場をとっている日本政府は、補償問題の解決策として民間によるアジア女性基金の設立を提唱した。)
However, this led to the former Comfort Women criticising the governmet's rejection of such public compensation.(しかし、国家補償にこだわる元慰安婦からは逆に反発を招く結果となった。)
Yamaguchi district court, in response to the compensation claim made by former comfort women against the government, ruled in April that the latter should pay each of the women 300,000 yen.(今年4月山口地方裁判所は、元慰安婦から国家への賠償請求に対して、一人30万円の支払いを国に命じた。)
However the women decided to appeal to a higher court, as this was vastly different from the 111,000,000 yen that they had demanded.(しかし、賠償金額が請求額の1億1100万円と大きな隔たりがあるため、元慰安婦は控訴する方針だ。)
Many in Japan sympathize with these unfortunate women.(日本人の多くは不運な元慰安婦に同情している。)

Last year in Japan, the high school girls involved in 'Compensated Dating', a form of prostitution, developed into a social problem.(昨年、日本では女子高校生の「援助交際」という売春が社会問題となった。)
Then there was Junichi Watanabe's hugely popular 'Lost Paradise', based on the theme of illicit love.(そして、不倫を題材にした渡辺淳一の「失楽園」が大ブームを呼んだ。)