Entries from 2010-06-01 to 1 month

The difference between the past form and the present form Re-entry of Hayabusa

I wrote this with the verb "show" in the past form. This allows the readers to tell that I'm telling my experience.Amazing! Hayabusa literally became a shooting star. This is the most distinct footage I've ever watched. It showed me how H…

Japan's best music group, Perfume!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perfume, the best pop music group with DISCO-like sounds from Hiroshima, Japan, has the sweeping popularity in Japan. This is the movie of Girl's Generation, Korean band. Though it looks less attractive, at least to me, it has far more pop…




民主党がんばれ。出来れば、郵政復活を掲げる国民新党とも手を切って、みんなの党、立ち上がれ日本、新党改革とも協力することで、連立政権を形成し、小泉元首相が道筋を示した郵政改革と、景気回復策、財政の健全化の道のさらに先へと行ってもらいたい。 管…