What a stupid claim!

What a stupid claim! We will recapture the Takeshima islands if necessary. Do you know Japanese Self-defense Force is much stronger than Korean navy? Korea killed 44 innocent Japanese fishermen and illegally occupied the Takeshima islands using military forces while Japan did not have its own military because Japan lost the W.W.2( not to Korea, which was part of Japan before the war) and was still under the occupation by the U.S.

IF Takeshima(Dokdo) really belongs to Korea, why does not Korea go to ICJ with Japan. Japan proposed to go to ICJ with Korea for fair judge three times. And Korea refused all the proposal from Japan.International Court of Justice (ICJ) is one of the main institution of United Nations(UN). The country which makes little of ICJ should not be a member of UN. Because UN is the organization for the countries which hope to solve the international dispute by talking.

Although Korea claims them on the basis on the history book, it's not evident at all the islands that are mentioned in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, which were kept from 1413 to 1865, are the islands. The island(s)( in the book, it was referred as an island) is another island. The island mentioned in the History book is too close to the Korean Ulleung island. The islands that are mentioned in the book must be another island. There is an island that are east of and very close to Ulleung island. Anyway, the book is too old to discuss. The physical distance and location mentioned in the book is too inaccurate to discuss which island it refers to. Korea had never claimed the sovereignty over the Takeshima islands by the time Japan did. Japan claimed the sovereignty over the islands for the first time in the world history in 1905 in a completely legitimate manner.

Korean people's claims are often incredible. Some claims the sovereignty even over Tsushima island. They say Tsushima island used to be part of Korea.